Nama : Evi Astuti
kelas : 4 EA 25
How to Talk About Bullying ?
school staff, and other caring adults have a role to play in preventing
bullying. They can:
1. Help Kids Understand Bullying
Kids who know what bullying
is can better identify it. They can talk about bullying if it
happens to them or others. Kids need to know ways to safely stand up to bullying
and how to get help.
- Encourage kids to speak to a
trusted adult if they are bullied or see others being bullied. The adult
can give comfort, support, and advice, even if they can’t solve the
problem directly. Encourage the child to report
bullying if it happens.
- Talk about how to
stand up to kids who bully. Give tips, like using humor
and saying “stop” directly and confidently. Talk about what to do if those
actions don’t work, like walking away
- Talk about strategies for
staying safe, such as staying near adults or groups of other kids.
- Urge
them to help kids who are bullied by showing kindness or
getting help.
- Watch the short webisodes
and discuss
them with kids.
Keep the
Lines of Communication Open
Research tells us that children really do look to parents
and caregivers for advice and help on tough decisions. Sometimes spending 15
minutes a day talking can reassure kids that they can talk to their parents if
they have a problem. Start conversations about daily life and feelings with
questions like these:
- What was one good thing that
happened today? Any bad things?
- What is lunch time like at your
school? Who do you sit with? What do you talk about?
- What is it like to ride the
school bus?
- What are you good at? What
would do you like best about yourself?
Talking about bullying directly is an important step in
understanding how the issue might be affecting kids. There are no right or
wrong answers to these questions, but it is important to encourage kids to
answer them honestly. Assure kids that they are not alone in addressing any
problems that arise. Start conversations about bullying with questions like
- What does “bullying” mean to
- Describe what kids who bully
are like. Why do you think people bully?
- Who are the adults you trust
most when it comes to things like bullying?
- Have you ever felt scared to go
to school because you were afraid of bullying? What ways have you tried to
change it?
- What do you think parents can
do to help stop bullying?
- Have you or your friends left
other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
- What do you usually do when you
see bullying going on?
- Do you ever see kids at your
school being bullied by other kids? How does it make you feel?
- Have you ever tried to help
someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it
happens again?
There are simple ways that parents and caregivers can keep
up-to-date with kids’ lives.
- Read class newsletters and
school flyers. Talk about them at home.
- Check the school website
- Go to school events
- Greet the bus driver
- Meet teachers and counselors at
“Back to School” night or reach out by email
- Share phone numbers with other
kids’ parents
Prevention at
Bullying can threaten students’ physical and
emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. The
best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. There are a number
of things school staff can do to make schools safer and prevent bullying.
Getting Started
school prevention and intervention efforts around student behavior, including
substance use and violence. You may be able to build upon them or integrate
bullying prevention strategies. Many programs help address the same protective
and risk factors that bullying programs do.
Conduct assessments in your
school to determine how often bullying occurs, where it happens, how students
and adults intervene, and whether your prevention efforts are working.
It is
important for everyone in the community to work together to send a unified
message against bullying. Launch an awareness campaign to make the objectives
known to the school, parents, and community members. Establish a school safety
committee or task force to plan, implement, and evaluate your school's bullying
prevention program.
Create a
mission statement, code of conduct, school-wide rules, and a bullying reporting
system. These establish a climate in which bullying is not acceptable.
Disseminate and communicate widely.
Establish a
school culture of acceptance, tolerance and respect. Use staff meetings,
assemblies, class and parent meetings, newsletters to families, the school
website, and the student handbook to establish a positive climate at school.
Reinforce positive social interactions and inclusiveness.
bullying prevention material into the curriculum and school activities. Train
teachers and staff on the school’s rules and policies. Give them the skills to
intervene consistently and appropriately.
Assess Bullying
Assessments—such as surveys—can help schools determine the
frequency and locations of bullying behavior. They can also gauge the
effectiveness of current prevention and intervention efforts. Knowing what’s
going on can help school staff select appropriate prevention and response
Assessments involve asking school or community
members—including students—about their experiences and thoughts related to
bullying. An assessment is planned, purposeful, and uses research tools.
What an
Assessment Can Do
Assess to:
Know what’s going on. Adults
underestimate the rates of bullying because kids rarely report it and it often
happens when adults aren’t around. Assessing bullying through anonymous surveys
can provide a clear picture of what is going on.
Target efforts. Understanding trends
and types of bullying in your school can help you plan bullying prevention and
intervention efforts.
Measure results. The only way to
know if your prevention and intervention efforts are working is to measure them
over time.
An assessment can explore specific bullying topics, such as:
Frequency and types
Adult and peer response
Locations, including “hot spots”
Staff perceptions and attitudes
about bullying
Aspects of the school or community
that may support or help stop it
Student perception of safety
School climate
and Implement an Assessment
Schools may choose to use school-wide surveys to assess
bullying. There are several steps involved:
Choose a survey. There are many
free, reliable, and validated assessment tools available.
Choose a set of measures that covers the questions you want answered, is age
appropriate, and can be answered in a reasonable amount of time.
Obtain parental consent as your
district requires. Some allow passive consent, others require active consent.
According to federal guidelines, at a minimum, each year the Local Education
Agency (LEA), must notify parents about the survey and when it will be
conducted. Parents have the right to opt their child out of the survey. Parents
also have the right to inspect and review the surveys before they are given.
Administer the survey. School staff
are best equipped to judge how to carry out a survey at school, but these tips
can help:
o Administer surveys early in the school year. Schedules
surveys after students are settled in a routine but there is still time to use
the findings in the school year’s prevention efforts.
o Assess at least once every school year. Some schools like to
survey students at the start and end of the school year to track progress and
plan activities for the following year.
o Decide which students will be surveyed to ensure
statistically significant results. Schools may choose school-wide surveys or
surveys of specific grades.
o Plan to administer the survey when all students can take it
at once. This will reduce the chance that they will discuss it and affect each
other’s answers.
Analyze and distribute findings.
o Make sure you continue to protect students’ privacy by
ensuring that no personally identifiable information is accessible.
o Consider how the survey results will be shared with
teachers, parents, and students.
Make sure that you are prepared to
respond to the results of the survey. Have a clear plan for prevention and
intervention in place or in development.
D. Engage Parents & Youth
staff can do a great deal to prevent bullying and protect students, but they
can’t do it alone. Parents and youth also have a role to play in preventing
bullying at school. One mechanism for engaging parents and youth, a school
safety committee, can bring the community together to keep bullying prevention
at school active and focused.
of Parent and Youth Engagement
Research shows that school administrators, such as
principals, can play a powerful role in bullying prevention. They can inspire
others and maintain a climate of respect and inclusion. But a principal cannot
do it alone. When parents and youth are involved in the solutions:
- Students feel safer and can
focus on learning.
- Parents worry less.
- Teachers and staff can focus on
their work.
- Schools can develop more
responsive solutions because students are more likely to see or hear about
bullying than adults.
- School climate improves because
students are engaged in taking action to stop bullying.
- Parents can support schools’
messages about bullying at home. They are also more likely to recognize signs
that a child has been bullied or is bullying others.
How Parents
and Youth Can Contribute
Schools can set the stage for meaningful parent and youth
involvement, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Parents and youth need to feel
valued and be given opportunities to contribute their expertise. To sustain
parent and youth involvement, schools need to provide meaningful roles for
them. For example:
Students can contribute their views
and experiences with bullying. They can take leadership roles in school to
promote respect and inclusion, communicate about bullying prevention with their
peers, and help develop rules and policies.
Parents can contribute to a positive
school climate through the parent teacher association, volunteering, and school
improvement events.
School staff can keep parents
informed, make them feel welcome, and treat them as partners. Schools can
consider identifying a school coordinator to support parent and youth
engagement strategies. Schools can set meeting times that are convenient for
parents and youth and may consider additional incentives such as providing
dinner or child care.
Safety Committees
A school safety committee—a small group of people focused on
school safety concerns—is one strategy to engage parents and youth, as well as
others, in bullying prevention. The following people can make positive
contributions to a school safety committee:
Inventive, respected teachers with
strong classroom and “people” skills can give insights.
Other school staff, such as school
psychologists, counselors, school nurses, librarians, and bus drivers, bring
diverse perspectives on bullying.
Parents can share the family
viewpoint and keep other parents in the loop on committee work.
Students can bring fresh views and
help identify real-life challenges to prevention.
Other community stakeholders, such
as police officers, clergy members, elected officials, and health care
providers can provide a broader perspective.
primary activities of the school safety committee could be to:
Plan bullying prevention and
intervention programs. Set measurable and achievable goals.
Implement a bullying prevention
effort. Meet often enough to keep momentum and address barriers.
Evaluate bullying prevention efforts
and refine the plan if necessary.
Advocate for the school’s work in
bullying prevention to the entire school community.
Sustain the effort over time.
This committee is not a forum for discussing individual
student behaviors. Doing so is a violation of student privacy under FERPA.
There are also FERPA considerations for assessments, particularly if personally
identifiable information is collected.
E. Set Policies & Rules
staff can help prevent bullying by establishing and enforcing school rules and
policies that clearly describe how students are expected to treat each other.
Consequences for violations of the rules should be clearly defined as
Types of
Rules and Policies
There are several types of policies and rules that work to
prevent bullying. Each serves a different purpose. For example:
A school mission statement
establishes the vision for the school. Everyone should know how they personally
help the school achieve this shared goal.
Sample Mission Statement
[Name of School] is committed to each student’s success in learning within a
caring, responsive, and safe environment that is free of discrimination,
violence, and bullying. Our school works to ensure that all students have the
opportunity and support to develop to their fullest potential and share a
personal and meaningful bond with people in the school community.
A code of conduct describes the
positive behaviors expected of the school community. The code of conduct
applies to all, sets standards for behavior, and covers a focused set of
expected positive behaviors. State laws sometimes
specify what must be included in a school’s code of conduct.
A student bill of rights includes
positive things students can expect at school. Keep it short and easy to
remember, so it is useful in day-to-day school life.
Student Bill of Rights
Each student at [school] has a right to:
Learn in a safe and friendly place
Be treated with respect
Rules and Policies into a School’s Culture
As you develop or update school rules and policies, have a
plan for keeping them relevant and meaningful for students and school staff.
Make sure school rules and policies
are consistent with state laws and
the school district rules and policies.
Include school staff, parents, and
students when developing rules and policies. Giving students a
role can help them set their own climate of respect and responsibility.
Parental involvement can reinforce these messages at home.
Train school staff on enforcing
school rules and policies. Give them the tools to respond to bullying
consistently and appropriately.
Incorporate rules and policies in
day-to-day school interactions. Teachers and students can discuss the rules in
class. Students can hold each other accountable. The principal can give an
annual “state of the school” speech that reports on the mission.
Build a Safe Environment
safe and supportive school climate can help prevent bullying. Safety starts in
the classroom. Students should also feel and be safe everywhere on campus—in
the cafeteria, in the library, in the rest rooms, on the bus, and on the
playground. Everyone at school can work together to create a climate where
bullying is not acceptable.
Create a
Safe and Supportive Environment
In general, schools can:
- Establish a culture of
inclusion and respect that welcomes all students. Reward students when
they show thoughtfulness and respect for peers, adults, and the school. The Positive Behavioral Interventions and
Supports Technical Assistance Center
can help.
- Make sure students interact
safely. Monitor bullying “hot spots” in and around the building. Students
may be at higher risk of bullying in settings where there is little or no
adult monitoring or supervision, such as bathrooms, playgrounds, and the
- Enlist the help of all school
staff. All staff can keep an eye out for bullying. They also help set the
tone at school. Teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria staff, office staff,
librarians, school nurses, and others see and influence students every
day. Messages reach kids best when they come from many different adults
who talk about and show respect and inclusion. Train
school staff to prevent bullying.
- Set a tone of respect in the
classroom. This means managing student behavior in the classroom well.
Well-managed classrooms are the least likely to have bullying.
Classrooms to Prevent Bullying
can consider these ways to promote the respect, positive relations, and order
that helps prevent bullying in the classroom:
Create ground rules.
o Develop rules with students so they set their own climate of
respect and responsibility.
o Use positive terms, like what to do, rather than what not to
Reinforce the rules.
o Be a role model and follow the rules yourself. Show students
respect and encourage them to be successful.
o Make expectations clear. Keep your requests simple, direct,
and specific.
o Reward good behavior. Try to affirm good behavior four to
five times for every one criticism of bad behavior.
o Use one-on-one feedback, and do not publicly reprimand.
o Help students correct their behaviors. Help them understand
violating the rules results in consequences: “I know you can stop [negative
action] and go back to [positive action]. If you choose to continue, then
meetings provide a forum for students to talk about school-related issues
beyond academics. These meetings can help teachers stay informed about what is
going on at school and help students feel safe and supported.
meetings work best in classrooms where a culture of respect is already
established. Classroom meetings are typically short and held on a regular
schedule. They can be held in a student’s main classroom, home room, or
advisory period.
Establish ground rules. Kids should
feel free to discuss issues without fear. Classroom meetings are not a time to
discuss individual conflicts or gossip about others. Reinforce
existing classroom rules.
Start the conversation. Focus on
specific topics, such as bullying or respectful behaviors. Meetings can
identify and address problems affecting the group as a whole. Stories should be
broad and lead to solutions that build trust and respect between students. Use
open-ended questions or prompts such as:
o Share an example of a student who helped someone at school
this week.
o Without names, share an example of someone who made another
student feel bad.
o What did students nearby do? What did you do? Did you want
to do something different—why or why not?
o If you could describe the perfect response to the situation
what would it be? How hard or easy would it be to do? Why?
o How can adults help?
End the meeting with a reminder that
it is everyone’s job to make school a positive place to learn. Encourage kids
to talk to teachers or other trusted adults if they see bullying or are worried
about how someone is being treated.
Follow-up when necessary. Monitor
student body language and reactions. If a topic seems to be affecting a
student, follow-up with him or her. Know what resources are available to support
students affected by bullying.
G. Educate About Bullying
Training school staff and students to prevent and address
bullying can help sustain bullying prevention efforts over time. There are no
federal mandates for bullying curricula or staff training. The following are some
examples of options schools can consider.
to Teach Students About Bullying
don’t always need formal programs to help students learn about bullying
prevention. Schools can incorporate the topic of bullying prevention in lessons
and activities. Examples of activities to teach about bullying include:
Internet or library research, such
as looking up types of bullying, how to prevent it, and how kids should respond
Presentations, such as a speech or
role-play on stopping bullying
Discussions about topics like
reporting bullying
Creative writing, such as a poem
speaking out against bullying or a story or skit teaching bystanders how to
Artistic works, such as a collage
about respect or the effects of bullying
Programs and Curricula
Schools may choose to implement formal evidence-based
programs or curricula. Many evaluated programs that address bullying are
designed for use in elementary and middle schools. Fewer programs exist for
high schools and non-school settings. There are many considerations in
selecting a program, including the school’s demographics, capacity, and
resources. Also, be sure to avoid Misdirections
in Bullying Prevention and Response.
Training on Bullying Prevention
ensure that bullying prevention efforts are successful, all school staff need
to be trained on what bullying
is, what the school’s policies and
rules are, and how to enforce the rules.
Training may take many forms: staff meetings, one-day training sessions, and
teaching through modeling preferred behavior. Schools may choose any
combination of these training options based on available funding, staff
resources, and time.
Training can be successful when staff are engaged in
developing messages and content, and when they feel that their voices are
heard. Learning should be relevant to their roles and responsibilities to help
build buy-in.